Donation – IPSCA Lobbyist & PAC

IPSCA Lobbyist & PAC

What Does a Lobbyist Do?

The IPSCA employs a lobbyist who holds an important role in the political arena in Springfield. This gives the organization a person who represents us in Springfield on a regular basis. Someone who can contact legislators, people in the executive branch and other organizations that are involved or indirectly with the practice of Chiropractic in Illinois.

Our lobbyist provides not only an educated understanding of our issues, but also an intense passion for those issues that money can’t buy. She is consistently monitoring and reviewing hundreds of bills being submitted by legislators making certain that they cannot harm the chiropractic profession and your practice.

At the beginning of the pandemic it was the IPSCA’s lobbyist that worked directly with the Governor’s office and other legislator making certain that Chiropractors could keep their offices open and be recognized as “Essential Services” to the people of Illinois during this crisis.


What is the IPSCA-PAC?

The IPSCA Political Action Committee (PAC) is an independent entity which can make campaign contributions to political candidates. This PAC is designed for prospective and current state/local officials whom we hope will help us chiropractically in Springfield. This includes: introducing legislation, working to pass our bills, amending or voting against detrimental measures and inputting our concerns to the executive branch.

This committee is separate from the IPSCA, (which can’t legally contribute to politicians) but is under supervision of our Executive Board).

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